Troubled Eight Months

It has been such a long time since I have posted here, Mar 21, 2020 to be precise. I hope everyone has been safe, happy and healthy despite this terrible pandemic, which has hit the world. Myself I been suffering from various illnesses, none were Covid19 related. 

For some months now I have had many Blood Testing, CT Scans, X-rays, Ultrasounds, Colonoscopy and Endoscopy, as well as various Heart Tests. As I have an Iron Deficiency I have had 2 Iron Infusion treatments, because of bleeding from the bowel. That is what the Colonoscopy and Endoscopy were for, but the surgeon found no problems. I am awaiting a colonoscopy that uses a camera that will reach a section of the intestines that is not done in the original Colonoscopy and Endoscopy.

An endoscopy is a procedure used in medicine to look inside the body. The endoscopy procedure uses an endoscope to examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body. Unlike many other medical imaging techniques, endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ or orifices.
A colonoscopy is a procedure that uses a thin flexible tube with a tiny camera attached. It is used to look inside your bowel. A doctor may suggest a colonoscopy if you have bowel problems or symptoms, or if you have done a bowel cancer screening test (‘poo test’) that has returned a positive result. It may also be recommended because of your previous colonoscopy results or family history.

From the heart testing by doing the Ultrasound, ECG and Stress testing, it was realized that sometime in December 2021 I suffered a heart attack. I do not know what time of day or night, maybe I was asleep at the time. At night I use a CPAP machine that supplies air through the nose to my lungs. Some years ago before the CPAP a friend had filmed me sleeping where could clearly stop breathing while snoring. It was arranged for me to do a sleep study, where they found I would stop breathing about 92 times per minute. Once I started using the machine it was found my breathing improved and it was estimated I stopped breathing went down to about 5 times per minute. Anyway that may have helped keep me breathing.

With the initial testing, partly brought on by CT Scan which indicated fluid on my lungs. Once that was realized I changed some medication to include fluid tablets, which within a few weeks it made a huge difference. After seeing the heart surgeon who informed me of the heart attack, told me the heart attack further damaged the heart muscle from my first heart attack in 2013. It created even more weakness in the muscle which can cause problems. Also to come from it is a leaky heart valve, which caused the fluid on the lungs. 

Although for a short time after being in hospital in 2013, having had triple heart bypass surgery, after 4 weeks eating hospital food I did go from about 125kg (275Lbs) down to about 115kg (253Lbs). Even though it fluctuated between 115kg (253Lbs) and 117kg (258Lbs)

With the availability of new medications, 1 of which has just be cleared for use and sale this year. One of the main things taking fluid tablets, bouts of lacking appetite is my weight loss. In the beginning of 2020 I weighed about 117kg (258Lbs), with 2021 weighing about 112kg (246.9Lbs) up until the onset of illness, then the weight started to drop. I did drop weight to about 98.5kg (217Lbs) but fluctuates to about 100kg (220Lbs).

Ideally after medical issues are complete I hope to be able to go back to the gym, I have not been since September 2021. How I will manage I can not be sure, but with most things in life, have to begin slowly and work from there. Am also looking at redoing Hydrotherapy and a way of doing rehabilitation, more than likely will do that as a supplement to the gym.

Anyway my friends, I will leave it here and post. I will write of any changes soon. In the meantime, to you, your partner and both your families, keep safe, happy and healthy.


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